Tag Archives: travel

Why I Thanked my Guardian Angel

I was driving home, smile plastered on my face, open windows, enjoying the feeling of fresh wind on my face and the wind blowing through my hair. I just had had a good day.

Suddenly, my car started to twirl across the highway.

“No one crash into me, please no one crash into me” is all I remember thinking.

My car stopped right before it hit the concrete on the other side. I was in a daze. I didn’t know what hit me.

Continue reading Why I Thanked my Guardian Angel

Bad Behavior Example?


I got into a service in which the driver’s young son was in the passenger seat with his iPod connected to the cab’s stereo playing a Taylor Swift playlist.   Both father and son did not have their seat belts on and the driver was texting and driving.

They were silent for most of the ride until we got to Dora bridge where we picked up an elderly man who must have been around 80 years old.  The man just wanted to get to the Mercedes-Benz showroom which as a lot of you may know, that’s like a 2 minute walk.

Continue reading Bad Behavior Example?

I did it!

Cheers to a new day
Cheers to a new day


 It’s finally sinking in… I did it. I have moved here.

It kicked in for the first time yesterday, as I was leaving the office and walking to my car and paid attention to the view of the sea, the mountains, and the port. I froze, I took a deep breath, I smiled… and it hit me, I have moved here. I am no longer a visitor but I actually live here!

I went out for a stroll during lunch break today. I had my earphones on and my playlist was on shuffle… and again, at some point, I froze, I took a deep breath, I smiled… I did it. I moved here.  I felt so light. I could actually feel a bounce in my steps, and was controlling myself from dancing in the streets.

I wondered how long would I feel like this?

Continue reading I did it!